Local Update…8 More Breakthrough Cases

Two days ago I went to FastMed because I finally found a place that would give me an x-ray. Although one had been ordered by my doctor, I couldn’t find any facility that would perform one for a COVID-positive patient. ARA Imaging in Austin did have one location that would, but they closed that in February…you know, because the pandemic was over, right?

Back to the story. While I was at Fastmed, I was told by a nurse practitioner that she had already seen eight other breakthrough cases of COVID in the past two weeks. “Breakthrough cases” are those in vaccinated patients.

This is a small practice in a suburb of Lakeway, Texas. Not the whole city of Austin. According to the news, they are saying that these breakthrough cases are extremely rare. Based on the percentage of patients they see and the numbers of breakthrough cases she’s seen, I think they’re vastly undercounting. And nobody knows if these are the more contagious delta variant, because they’re not testing for it.